Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Music: Theory


Acoustic pollution: contaminación acústica.
Sound: sonido.
Noise: ruido.
Staff/ stave: pentagrama.
Clef (G and F clef): clave (Sol y Fa).
Wave: onda.
Eardrum: tímpano.
Hear: oir.
Listen (to): escuchar a...
Ear: oreja
Vibration: vibración.
Notes: notas.


Sound: is produced when an object vibrates.
These vibrations produce a good sensation when sound waves reach our ears. The vibrations are transmitted in the form of sound waves.

Noise: It's considered the opposite of the sound. It's a bad8, nasty, unpleasant sound.

Silence: is the absence of sound or noise.

Clef: symbol that is placed at the beginning of the staff.

Staff or stave: It's a group of 5 lines and 4 spaces to write the notes on.

Notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B ( the name of the notes).

Scale: a group of notes ascending or descending ( It's the ordered sequence up or down).


PP: pianissimo - (muy suave)
P: piano - (suave)
MP: mezzopiano - (medio suave)
MF: mezzoforte - (medio fuerte)
F: forte - ( fuerte)
FF: fortissimo - (muy fuerte)


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