- PICTURE 2: In this picture I can see a volcano, a thunder, and a plant, and this is physical geography, because it is produce in a natural environment.
- PICTURE 3: I this picture, I can see rooks, and in the floor, there is a volcano. This is a physical geography because it is a natural environment.
- PICTURE 4: In this picture I can see a men that teach a group of childs, this is the reason why I think that this is a human geography.
- PICTURE 5: In this picture I can see a big territory with grass and tress. It can be physical geography, because there are vegetation and a land walk too but it can be human geography too, because in the country since there are a lot of artificial shapes.
-PICTURE 6: In this picture I can see a city, a plane and a river. It can be physical geography, because there is a river around the city, but mainly is human geography, because there are a lot of skyscrapers and a plane too.
-PICTURE 7: In this picture I can see a lot of roads this is the reason why it's so clear that is a human geography, and there are a lot of cars too.
-PICTURE 8: In this picture I can see a great green valley, and in the middle of the valley, there is a river, without water, and most of the part of vegetation it's so dry, because the climate is very hot, so it's very clear that is physical geography.
-PICTURE 9: In this picture I can see a big river, but there is a big wall, that stop all the water, this is the reason why I think that it's human geography.
-PICTURE 10: In this picture there are two parts: in the near part of the picture, there are a lot of tress, and a country with grass, so this is a physical geography, and in the second part, there are a village with a lot of houses, so this is human geography.
-PICTURE 11: In this picture there are two parts, in the first part there are a lot of people or turism in the sand of the beach so it's human geography, but in the second part there is the sea, so this part is physical geography.
-PICTURE 12: In this picture I can see a waterfall and bigs rocks with grass so I think that is physical geography.
-PICTURE 13: In this picture I can see a long tube in the middle of the country so I think is human geography.